Sunday, August 07, 2005

Every week I think about information for my blog

Each week I think about what I should put in this journal. Erm.... I've been swimming and stuff, but I was sick last week and didn't go to Physio. A mild virus on top of my usual stuff meant that I constantly felt as if my head has been battered by a cricket bat. It only lasted a few days, so that's OK I guess.

I found out from Nina and Mum some of the details of Sandy's trip to intensive care and the fact that I was pretty drugged up for the first 5 days. They said I was flying. All I remember are flashes of memory from the days, but they all seem to be on the same day. Its the same day Sandy was put into my ward and I had my catheter removed. There was such a hubbub about me not emptying my bladder after its removal that I was weighed before and after each visit to the potty thingo. They were just about to put the catheter back in, when I emptied my bladder finally. As for Sandy, only one person was allowed in at a time and I was amazed to hear about tubes in his nostrils and the fact that his eye was purple and swollen out past his nose. It msut have been his pierced lung they were worried about. I never saw him like that because I was drugged too. If things had gone wrong I would have been really angry that I was kept from him. As things have worked out I can accept it. I know they made the right decisions, but feelings aren't about logical decisions... they just are...

Our insurers rang me- they are putting a few thousand dollars in my bank account for my injuries. The money is for permanent disability, you have to be more than 10% to get a cent. They said mine did not prejudice any future settlements for disability but they were sending the cash because reports from my Neurosurgeons (neck and shoulder) showed my condition was not settling. They asked whether I had any questions and the truth is I did not- I was just gobsmacked by their message. I asked if they would send any mail about it and whether I could ask questions after I got a letter and they said yes, which was great. I don't know what questions to ask really. They said they send a copy to my solicitor but I don't really have one. I did talk to a nice girl, but we were going to follow up later. I did though, give her permission to get doctors reports and stuff, so maybe she has a copy too? When I get the letter, I'll send her a copy and find out what it all means. Does this mean that health-wise I'm still unstable? What proportion of the settlement goes to the taxation department? What proportion of the settlement goes to the lawyer (if I have one)? I want to get well and I thought I was and this money just confuses the hell out of me. I suppose its just another question for the shrink this week.

Physio goes up to twice a week from now on *ouch*

The swimming was great though. I can float and tread water and stuff for ages. I can't swim any further though. I have just realised that I have muscle problems to cope with as well as muscle/ligament and bone stuff. So long as I keep on improving though, I won't complain, except in here. This is the only place I complain- its the only place I feel I can allow myself the indulgence of complaint. Sometimes, you have to be hard on yourself regardless of one's emotions and this is one of those times.

I still haven't made any of the appointments I talked about last week. Hopefully I'll get around to them this week.

Each week I cannot think of what I plan to write and yet each week I come up with something. I suppose people don't think much happens in their week to week and while that's true, weekly experience just builds up into a life. It's becoming my usual Monday lunch pastime.


Blogger Buffalo said...

A pastime I'm glad you have.

I hope your insurance companies are more honorable and honest than ours are.

Keep up the good work, young lady!

9:20 AM  

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