Sunday, September 25, 2005

Another week

Well this week I see my consulting physician and I'll pick up my referral to see another Ortho from the GP's office.

I was annoyed when my Physio read me a letter sent to him from he old Ortho last week. The old Ortho said I was "almost normal"- hmf I'd like to see him put on a bra or brush the knots out of his hair or open a jar of anything. He also said that I was ready to return to gym and kayaking. I was amazed because although factually he is correct, what he wrote doesn't agree with the spirit of his advice, which was that I could return to gym and kayaking and try weight bearing activities, like using weights and rowing, but that he didn't think I could actually do it. I think he is touting a political point of view and that's really bugs me because all I have ever wanted was his clinical perspective. He did note my increased range of movement, which is true. He says that I may need surgery and that my condition will deteriorate while my GP doesn't think deteriorate is a good word. The old Ortho is a liar in terms of the spirit of what he wrote. I figure he will have done a lot of political damage to my recovery. It's a good thing I had asked to see another Ortho before his reports went anywhere. I don't know what all of this means, but I figure I'll just have to wait and see.

Actually my GP made an interesting point the other day. Doctors are human. They want to please patients. That means you have to know what you want from them before you see them as you can guide them as to what a 'good' outcome is for you. Everyone has their own level of what a good outcome is. I have to give that heaps of thought, but if I can't do stuff, including sporting things, then I think a good outcome might be the operation on my shoulder. I really have to think about this and also about the possibility of bad outcomes from surgery. Is being able to do stuff worth the risk? What do Sportspeople do (this injury is common to footballers and stuff)?

Its interesting, the wheather was better last week than it has been for ages and I thought I would do some gardening. I did about 30 minutes before stopping due to pain. The same thing happened yesterday. Hmmm I think what I thought was frozen muscles was the ligament. I don't know. I'll have to ask the new Ortho about it and the consulting physician too...I wonder if it would be useful to take my headache diary to the consulting physician too later this week...


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